Thursday, September 23, 2010

Are You Listening?

by Annemieke Kosten

Psalm 37:7 Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him… 

MomMom…Mom…MomMOM! This is the sound of my son trying to get my attention recently. The problem is I didn’t even hear him until the fifth “Mom”. I was so busy scurrying around the kitchen getting dinner ready while thinking about the phone calls I needed to make and helping my daughter with her homework and realizing that the dishwasher was full of dirty dishes. (No clean dishes for the dinner that will be ready in 5 minutes!) When I reacted to my son asking for my attention with less patience than I would like to admit, my husband asked, “Didn’t you hear him calling you?”
I have realized that Jesus must feel like my poor son—desperately wanting my attention. I mean, if I can’t even hear my son, who is standing right next to me calling my name, how can I expect to hear my Father whisper my name? I wonder how many times God has been trying to talk to me and I couldn’t hear Him? And how can I expect to be close to God if the noise filter in my life is left unchecked?
So, should we quit all that we are doing? I don’t think that is what God expects of us. But we can simplify. We can set aside time to turn off the radio, the TV, our endless “To Do” lists and take some time to listen to Him. Isn’t that what He told Martha in Luke 10:38-42? He asked her to slow down for a few minutes and listen to what He had to say.

Prayer: Lord, I want to hear what You are saying to me. Teach me to live in simplicity. Help me each day to look for the moments where I can turn off the “noise” so that I am able to hear Your voice.

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