Saturday, September 25, 2010

Thank You!

Thank you to everyone who helped make the Road Trip Series a success at First Missionary Church. We had a great summer full of fun activities, encouraging stories, and challenging preaching. God bless you as you continue your journey!

Friday, September 24, 2010

The Healing Power of Prayer

by Sandy Bunch

1 Kings 8:28 Yet give attention to your servant's prayer and plea for mercy, O Lord my God. Hear the cry and the prayer that your servant is praying in your presence this day. 

I asked God what He would like me to share today. I kept being reminded of the first time He made himself known to me as my Healer. A new Christian at 40 years of age, I suffered from severe allergies all of my life. They were especially bad in the summer, when the trees bloomed, when we baled hay and when we were around animals (which I love). It was a constant battle with sneezing and itching, which was so severe that I wanted to claw the inside of my head out.
Right after I became a believer I had an attack in the middle of the night and asked God that He would take this from me, if it was His will. Immediately I heard a pop in my head and all the symptoms left. That was 30 years ago and I have never suffered from allergic symptoms again! I am reminded whenever I hear, “it's that time of year again,” to give thanks over and over that He heard and answered my prayer so beautifully and powerfully.
What can people learn and apply? Nothing is too insignificant or too hard for God. He knows the hairs on our heads and the sparrow that falls from the nest. He ASKS us to bring our requests to Him. He is a loving, caring God that delights in the prayers of His beloved.

Prayer: Dear Father, I need You. You are everything to me. Comfort me and make something beautiful from my life. I surrender all that I am into Your hands and I ask that You fill me with all of You. Whatever You have for me, I receive with open arms because I know it's from You and I trust You with my life.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Are You Listening?

by Annemieke Kosten

Psalm 37:7 Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him… 

MomMom…Mom…MomMOM! This is the sound of my son trying to get my attention recently. The problem is I didn’t even hear him until the fifth “Mom”. I was so busy scurrying around the kitchen getting dinner ready while thinking about the phone calls I needed to make and helping my daughter with her homework and realizing that the dishwasher was full of dirty dishes. (No clean dishes for the dinner that will be ready in 5 minutes!) When I reacted to my son asking for my attention with less patience than I would like to admit, my husband asked, “Didn’t you hear him calling you?”
I have realized that Jesus must feel like my poor son—desperately wanting my attention. I mean, if I can’t even hear my son, who is standing right next to me calling my name, how can I expect to hear my Father whisper my name? I wonder how many times God has been trying to talk to me and I couldn’t hear Him? And how can I expect to be close to God if the noise filter in my life is left unchecked?
So, should we quit all that we are doing? I don’t think that is what God expects of us. But we can simplify. We can set aside time to turn off the radio, the TV, our endless “To Do” lists and take some time to listen to Him. Isn’t that what He told Martha in Luke 10:38-42? He asked her to slow down for a few minutes and listen to what He had to say.

Prayer: Lord, I want to hear what You are saying to me. Teach me to live in simplicity. Help me each day to look for the moments where I can turn off the “noise” so that I am able to hear Your voice.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


by Caleb Hoskins

Joshua 1:8 Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful. 

Christian meditation is misunderstood, seen as too complicated, and usually misused. My personal experience with meditation erred in all three of these ways until I read about it in Richard Foster’s book, The Celebration of Discipline.
Misunderstood meditation. Most people think of meditation in terms of Eastern religions—the emptying of the mind and letting go of the world. But the goal of Christian meditation is to fill your mind with the Word of God and to let Him change you.
Complicated meditation. I always saw meditation as something reserved for the so-called “Spiritual Giants,” perhaps for monks and priests or a super-spiritual pastor. Could an amateur Christian like myself actually meditate? The truth is that we all can!
Misused meditation. Even on the rare occasion that I did attempt to meditate on Scripture, I would close the door behind me, think really hard about the Word, and then, when I was done, go outside and try to do it—usually to no avail. I later learned that meditation is not a single act done apart from our day, but an attitude of prayerful contemplation. It is a choice to be mindful of God and His Word throughout my day. (This definition requires that I already read and study the Word.) So, if I hold on to God’s Word throughout my day then I have to let go of something else. I have to let go of my own understanding, which is usually wrong anyway.
Now that you understand how simple it is, it’s your turn. Read Proverbs 3:5-6 today. Read it again. Commit it to memory. Take it with you all day long. Trust Him, lean on Him, acknowledge Him, and He will guide you.

Prayer: Lord, teach me to meditate on Your Word all day long.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


by Jeanie Ogden

Ephesians 6:7 Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not men. 

Fifteen years ago my husband Earl and I heard about an organization needing volunteers to do repairs, clean-up and painting homes damaged by Hurricane Andrew. We asked friends from church to join us and we worked two weeks in January for the next three years. The following year we learned that an organization needed volunteers to get Bibles ready to send to Russia. Again, some friends from church joined us and we helped collate, bind and ship Bibles for two weeks in January for seven years. We also painted and remodeled their buildings. We were getting to be “professionals!”
In 2000, we joined 18 others from Missionary Churches and flew to Russia. St. Petersburg Christian University had purchased an OLD building and needed volunteers to get it ready for the student’s classrooms, a cafeteria and dormitories. The building needed a kitchen, new floors, new walls, and a water heater. Since none of the Russian staff spoke English, we had interpreters and our own missionaries to help. Returning home our Mission Organization informed us about the needs of our Hispanic churches on the Texas border. For 4 years we spent two weeks every January doing minor repairs and painting. Part of our blessing each day was an authentic Mexican meal! We continue each year to find a place to be of service outside the church as well as in the church. A dictionary definition of service is “helpful acts.” Where will you serve?

Prayer: Lord, help me to be effective in service as unto You, as well as teach by example. Bless those we serve.

Monday, September 20, 2010

True Worship

by Tom Wiggins

John 4:24 God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth. 

There are times in my Christian life when God seems very distant and I have trouble finding Him. When these times come I go to a song on my computer’s “favorites” list; I turn up my speakers and listen. The song was written by AndraĆ© Crouch and is titled “My Tribute.” It is sung by the Oslo, Norway choir. Here are some of the words:
“How can I say thanks for the things He has done for me, things so undeserved that He did to prove His love for me? The voices of a million angels cannot express my gratitude, all that I am or ever hope to be I owe it all to Thee.”
When I think of what Christ has done for me personally, God is suddenly very near and worshiping and thanking Him become easy. True worship only takes place when our spirit and the Holy Spirit commune with each other, whether in our daily living or when we come together as a church to worship God.

Prayer: Lord, help us to worship You in spirit and in truth. May we always have Your Name in our hearts and minds—giving You praise and thanks for all You do for us.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Staying Close to God

by Janice Leonard

Hosea 5:15 Then I will go back to my place until they admit their guilt. And they will seek my face; in their misery they will earnestly seek me. 

“Keep short accounts,” Pastor Dan has said a number of times. I wondered just exactly what it meant until I finally figured it out. What does that mean? Don’t let your list of unconfessed sins mount up.
No, I am not in the habit of stealing, murdering, or even lying, but I sometimes have negative thoughts about people, and that’s not good. Sometimes I get carried away and interrupt or monopolize a conversation or unintentionally say something that makes others feel bad. God wants me to build others up and be encouraging and be a good listener. I want to be a healthy part of the body, not a part that secretes drops of poison. Until I confess, these things come between God and me, they hinder my prayers, and I limp spiritually.
As soon as I have disobeyed God, and when the Holy Spirit lets me know I have disobeyed or displeased Him in anyway, I talk to Him about it. I think about why the words, or thoughts, or actions were wrong. I feel bad and tell Him so. God hears me ask for forgiveness and helps keep me from going down that road again. Sometimes I need to make something right. This is one of the ways I stay close to God.

Prayer: Dear Father, I want to be close to You and to please You. Please show me when I mess up and give me the strength to do what is right. Thank You! In Jesus Name, Amen.